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I have just sent you an e-mail with further information on our 9,000 Avios special promotion, but, please let me try to explain the doubts in your article, that I have just read
Our Iberia Plus cardholders will be able to keep the promotional Avios, if they don’t fly the purchased segments. And you can only redeem the Avios awarded through this promotion through the Iberia Plus programme. If the customers transfer these Avios to their BA Executive Club account, they will have a negative balance in the Iberia Plus programme, as those Avios wouldn’t have been spent by the date mentioned above.
Please, let me know, if you need further details on this. We would be grateful, if you can include this information in your article.
最大的利好消息是:只要购买机票,即使最后不去飞(no show),也照样可以获得奖励里程。这样的话大家就可以放心通过购买西班牙国内二十几欧的低价机票( SDR-MAD / SVQ-MAD)获得9000点Avios。
坏消息是,奖励里程必须通过Iberia Plus兑换,不可以转换到BA进行兑换,否则届时仍然会从你的账户中扣除。比如说你通过此活动获得了九万点里程然后转到BA,12月1日之后你的Iberia账户余额会变成负九万。如果说你永远不再用这个账户的话或许关系不大,不过好像不太可能。
Iberia Plus的兑换和BA相比较,有以下特点:
- 兑换Iberia / BA的机票价格相同,但是由于没有RFS,欧洲境内的机票税费更高
- Iberia / Iberia Express自家的机票票源更多
- Iberia自家的长途机票税费更低,比如马德里到上海这一航线
- 其余合作伙伴的机票只能兑换往返,且不能退改,由于所需里程是按照距离而不是区域计算价格,因此有不少比BA便宜的路线,具体可参考我这篇文章